I thought that it would be a good idea to spend some time reviewing what you’ve learned in the past few months through the SEO Elite newsletter.

One thing to remember in any learning process is that unless you apply what you’ve picked up on a daily basis, you’re not going to benefit from your investment. It doesn’t matter how expensive or valuable that advice is; even simple, common sense tips are rendered meaningless by a lack of application.

To help you recap what you’ve learned so far, I’ve prepared a short quiz (20 questions) on the most important SEO topics. I hope that at the end of it, you will be able to better evaluate your current SEO efforts, and should be able to pinpoint the areas where you need to improve.

The quiz is divided into 3 sections (On-page optimization, link building and general SEO), and is geared towards the basics – so hopefully you should all be doing pretty well in it.

The answers are at the end, but please don’t peek :

Let’s get started.

SEO Elite Refresher Quiz #1

On-Page Optimization

1. Your website sells Green Widgets – what is the best Title tag for your main page?

a.Get Green Widgets, Buy Green Widgets, Green Widgets, Green Widget
b.We have Cheap Green Widgets with great prices and selection
c.Buy Green Widgets | Discount Widgets
d.Home | Greenwidgets.com

2. Your site map has more than 100 links to your pages. Do you:

a.Create a hierarchy of links, and split up the site map into multiple pages.
b.Keep adding new links, no problem.
c.Add a second page to your site map and add new links to that.
d.Stop adding links to your site map completely.

3. How many words should you consider writing in a page of pure content (such as an article, a blog post or a product review)?


4. What is the optimum keyword density you should aim for?


5. What should you put inside meta tags?

a.Put your full keyword list in the meta keywords tag, and put your most important keywords in the meta description tag.

6. How should you use images on your site?

a.Use the alt tag to accurately describe the each image, and include descriptive content around each image.

7. Which style tag is preferred by the W3C for emphasizing important text?


Link Building

8. What types of websites are most trusted by search engines (authority sites)?

a.High PR websites

9. Which of these sites will provide the most valuable link?

a.A PR 7 website

10. Suppose that you were offered the following 4 choices as a link – which one would be the most valuable?

a.An optimized contextual link (a link as part of a page’s content with proper anchor text) from a closely related PR 5 site’s main page content

11. If you were building links for greenwidgets.com, what would be your strategy in choosing anchor text?

a.Buy high PR links from closely related sites that offer traffic as well as link wealth

12. Which of these four is the most important in assessing a link?

a.The anchor text

13. How many links should you get for your site in the first 6 months (on average)?

a.50-70 links a month

General SEO

14. What does PageRank technically measure?

a.The linking power carried by one particular link

15. What does the term “Sandbox” describe in reference to Google’s SERPs?

a.The ranking factors affecting all new websites that are targeting highly competitive keywords before targeting less competitive keywords

16. What is the best way for websites with very little content (like ecommerce stores) rank highly for competitive product terms?

a.They have a lot of natural links (one-way, contextual) with optimal anchor text from a wide variety of websites

17. Which of these will NOT get your site penalized in Google?

a.Thousands of automatically-generated pages built only for the search engines

18. Which of these five methods will not give you an accurate estimate of the search demand in a niche?

a.Overture search term figures

19. When designing the site structure of a website, which of the following statements is NOT a good idea?

a.Make a site map that points to each page on the site

20. Which is the best method of getting traffic to your site?

a.Pay-per-click ads

Ok, now that you’ve answered all the 20 questions, compare your answers to the answer sheet below. This was a fairly basic quiz, so if you get less than 10 right, you should seriously consider reviewing the material in this newsletter. However, if you got more than 15 right, congratulations – you’ve got the basics right. Make sure that you apply these principles to your websites as well, otherwise you wont see good rankings.

Answers Key:1. c
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. e
9. b
10. a
11. d
12. a
13. c
14. c
15. a
16. a
17. b
18. d
19. c
20. e

Stay tuned for the next lesson where I’ll be going through the answers for each of the questions above in more detail. It’s critical that, at a bare minimum, you can fully grasp all the questions above. So look for my email in the next few days.