The Yahoo search blog announced on January 13th, 2011, that the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance team is now serving in three new countries – Australia, Brazil and Mexico. Kartik Ramakrishnan, Vice President, Yahoo! Search Transition, commented on the blog, “As planned, we are moving forward with the global transition of certain Yahoo! Search back-end functions to Microsoft’s search platform, and have just completed this process for organic search in Australia, Brazil and Mexico.”
The transition that started in August 2010 with Bing officially powering Yahoo's organic search results in USA and Canada, was followed by Microsoft adCenter powering all the paid search advertisements on both Bing and Yahoo! owned and operated properties and publisher networks in the U.S. and Canadian markets, in October 2010. There have been extensive tests conducted to ensure that the users still get the conveniences of the Yahoo! search with the speed and power of Microsoft's Bing after the transition is complete. As for now, folks in Australia, Brazil and Mexico where the alliance is now serving, will see a “Powered by Bing” indicator at their search results pages' bottom.
Another update in the latest blog regarding the alliance was that this move is a step further, for the Yahoo! And Microsoft alliance, towards their continuing attempt for a quality transition with their partners and advertisers around the world. The alliance, as planned, seems to be progressing well in bringing benefits of the combined marketplace to their worldwide customers. The full transition is expected to be completed by early 2012 for all markets worldwide.
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ReplyThat's their way of slowly bringing the merger into users.
ReplySEOP Inc