Blogs are used by all types of people from students to corporate and youth to senior citizens. Blogs are meant to be frequently updated with latest information/views comments etc. Most blogs allow posting of comments by others.
Blogs are cached b search engines due to their fresh content and have high chances to rank on top of search results. Below are some of the key methods of optimizing your blog and promoting for user visibility.
* Create a blog on your existing primary domain. Host the blog in a separate sub folder, in this case always quality check the comments posted before publishing and do not allow external links. Another solution is to create a blog in a different sub domain.
* Use keywords in title tags and keep them short and catchy as they would also be displayed on Blog feeds.
* Use stemming of keywords in heading, titles and urls. For example use ‘Optimize’ in url, Optimization in Title Tag and Optimizing in Heading.
* Use related keywords in the sentences, sub headings and bold words.
* Keep the paragraphs short with 4-5 sentences maximum.
* Choose the right Blog CMS. For external use word press, blogger, typepad. For your website you can choose the software from OpenSourceCMS.
* Participate in other Blogs post comments in other blogs. Participate in Forums & Discussion community about blogs.
* Tag your blog in popular social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Technorati, Flickr, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Blogmarks etc.
* Create a sitemap for Blog and publish in Google Sitemaps & Yahoo.
* Initialy block comments from other users for developing theme and popularity.
* Cover relevant news about your topic and post your opinion and standpoint.
* Submit to Blog Directories and Search Engines on Internet.
* Submit your Blog feeds to popular RSS feeds search engines and directories.
* Link generously to other bloggers and related information on Internet. Place links as a part of the content.
* Ask other people to post their views and comments on your blog.
* Do not stuff the blogs with just content, place charts, graphs, images, multimedia, podcasts etc. Make your post more attractive and appealing to the users.
* Write content on topics that people are searching for or need attention. This would bring traffic and ranking on search engines.
* Always keep track on the analytics and assess user activity.
* Archive your blog content efficiently. Archive the content date wise.
* Do not use dynamic urls and too many hypens in urls. Keep them short and include keyword.
* Create content rich enough to be link bait, which can attract links from other websites by is worthiness.
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1 comment
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